"Dinosaure" by Roc Alabern (PUBLIC ART PROJECT 2012)

Posted by Unknown On martes, 27 de marzo de 2012 0 COMENTARIOS

Hello guys! We are a group of three boys, Miquel, Jordi and Pol, from Terrassa, a city next to Barcelona.
We are Manel, and we love listening to the music of a group called “Manel”, that’s why we have chosen this name for our group. Miquel likes playing football and meeting friends. Pol loves playing basketball. Jordi likes playing basketball too and technology. We hope you like our echo about a sculpture in our hometown.

The echo text:
This rare and different sculpture by Roc Alabern is a contemporary sculpture that represents a dinosaur. 
It was built in 1986 (nineteen, eighty six) . In this year, the sculpture was used for the “Festa Major” (a traditional festival of the city), and after this, the Dinosaur, was part of the company, Autotex. In 2007 (two thousand and seven), the sculpture was moved to a roundabout that is now in Madrid Avenue. 
The materials that were used to create it, are clear, like you can see, the materials are cars, 24 in total. There is a yellow coat of paint on the cars, and some places are painted red and blue. These colors are primary. 
The brightness depends on the weather. because it is outdoors. 
It’s a very realIistic sculpture, because it’s made with a real shape and real measures. (16 meters long, 5 meters wide and 8 meters high). 
With this sculpture, Roc Alabern wants to display the necessity of recycling, and he says that the world can be better if we recycle, therefore it has a social meaning as it gives a social message not only to the people in Terrassa, to all world.
Our twitters are: (in order of the photo)
Miquel Parra - @miquelparra20
Jordi Orihuela - @jordiori
Pol Miranda - @polmir26


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